6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Join us at our Saturday mass, at 4:30 p.m., in the Chapel located in the Education Building or on Zoom. The passcode to enter is: liturgy. Please mute yourselves upon entering. This week’s worship aid is found here.
The first and third reading for today should speak to us in our current situation. Both the prophet Jeremiah and Jesus warn us not to put our faith in human beings. Especially in the reading from the gospel of Luke, we should see parallels in our country, but we know that those who keep faith with God won’t be let down in the end. We need to be able to tell the difference between those who live the teachings of Jesus, and those who live for their own gratification and glory.
Deacon Tim Rooney will be present to give the homily this week.
Join us either in person at 12861 N. 8th Ave., Phoenix, or on Zoom to learn more.
Take a look at our Facebook page: St Teresa of Avila Catholic Community, ECC
Abundant blessings,
Rev. Kate Lehman, OSB
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St. Teresa of Ávila is united with many other authentic Catholic faith communities as a member of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion (ECC). The ECC is a "community of communities" that share a common theology and liturgical tradition with the Roman Catholic Church, but do not participate in its canon law. The "ECC Difference" can be seen in the inclusion of all baptized Christians at the Eucharistic table, respect for and recognition that the Spirit is at work in those of other religions, ordination of women and married individuals, offering of the sacrament of marriage to committed LGBT couples and those remarrying after divorce, invitation to follow conscience regarding birth control, and active/equal involvement of the laity in the governance of the Communion.